Corporate Sustainability
The top ten companies in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index ranking are scoring on average 15% higher than their industry peers*. We create a corporate sustainability practice that resonates with your purpose, works in harmony with people and the planet and creates sustainable profit.
The benefits of working with us
- we bring in-depths experience in developing and executing corporate sustainability strategies
- we guide with focus on your material topics
- we solve with a holistic and impact-driven approach
- we engage your people and take your leadership on the journey

Our expertise in guiding corporates
Jasmin Khalifa, founder and principal consultant at guidance4good, has been working for over 10 years for the leading audit and advisory company in Switzerland. In her role as Head of Corporate Responsibility, she did bring the firm’s purpose to life with a corporate sustainability strategy that followed clear KPIs and a state-of-the-art reporting practice. She was responsible to drive the company’s net zero project as “reduction workstream leader” and project manager. Besides managing the CO2 footprint, she did drive the company’s community program that created more than 6000 pro bono hours and reached over 900 beneficiaries every year. In the first year, she managed to increase the skills-based volunteering hours by 68%. Jasmin started her career in corporate communications, where she was leading teams for several years. In these roles Jasmin learned how to engage employees on a transformative journey.
*source: «Winning Sustainability Strategies» book by Professor Benoit F. Leleux and Executive in Residence Jan Van der Kaaij